
Posts Tagged ‘quinoa’

I was in charge of dinner tonight…so I decided to roll with a recipe I have been dying to try! I think everyone else in the blog world has tried this before I have!

That’s right, I’m talking about Mmmm Sauce!

I gathered my ingredients:

Followed the recipe–while using my awesome food processor:

(For some reason I did not expect almonds to be in there!)

(I also thanked the pantry gods that we had curry powder! Even though I read the ingredient list 853 times, I managed to keep overlooking the curry and didn’t notice it before adding all of the ingredients! Oops.)

I had to taste it before putting it in the bowl–and I must say…Mmmm! 🙂

Now, what to put it on?

Quinoa seemed to be a popular choice–so I rolled with that! I knew we would be having chicken…so I finished the dish off with a salad. In the mix was romaine, chick peas, cucumbers (from my own garden), and more Mmmm sauce!

But the meal still needed a little something:

I love goldddddd!!

Pretty healthy (and delicious) meal, if I do say so myself! Thanks to Mama Pea for the recipe and to CaitlinHTP for not being able to quit the sauce.

End of dinner entertainment:

Notice their matching toys! Puppy lurve ❤

…and you can thank my new toy for all of the lovely pictures tonight! 🙂


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