
Posts Tagged ‘yoga’

Hi all! Hope your week is going well! Mine is flying by!

Probably because of the weird things that have been happening this week. Monday was a normal work day, but Tuesday I left work early because we were having some plumbing problems. One of our pipes froze and caused water from the shower and the washing machine to back up. It wasn’t as bad as we thought, just had to dry out the carpet in the basement with some fans. Phew, no major issues!

Then yesterday my co-worker and I went to a school to talk to students about working in a veterinary clinic, interviewing, having an externship, etc. I was a little nervous at first, but I really enjoyed myself!

I will be going into work this evening, but I just wanted to put up a post with some new things that I have been enjoying!

The Pittsburgh Skyline will never get old, even when it is overcast–I can’t get enough!

It must be a “Burgh Thing”


I can’t remember where I saw that little gem, but I love it! I don’t speak too much “Pittsburghese” but there are some terms that I say every now and then.

Santa brought me an Apple TV, and I love being able to access Netflix in my room. Perfect for lazy days!


My Mom and I went out to dinner the other night (Hibachi!) and I tried gelato for the first time, it was pretty good, but definitely could get addicting, I will be saving this for special occasions. I tried the mint chocolate chip and reese’s mix…


I have been making an effort to start doing more yoga, and the other night it was so nice to just turn on OnDemand and get my “om” on! The flowers and candle are definitely a nice add on. The quote on the plate says “Life isn’t about waiting for the storm to pass, it’s about learning to dance in the rain”. Love it!


I also got a new balance ball, since Garrett thought my old one was a squeak toy (RIP). and tried these two workouts from Self! My abs were burning so much during that work out! Phew!


If you haven’t tried Dr. Weil’s Kale Salad yet–you must! It is so good, and it keeps well in the fridge! I make a big batch and the flavor gets better every day!


What new (or old) things have you been loving lately?

Any new workouts you have found?

Until next time…


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Happy Sunday everyone!

How is your weekend going? Keeping up with those resolutions? I have a random post for ya!

I made my 2012 inspiration board:

Obviously, I had my special helper…

I’m digging the sparkles…but it was difficult to get my pictures to stay on there! 🙂

Nothing too crazy this year…mainly concentrating on finding what makes me happy (mind, body and soul!). I would like to do more yoga, even if that means in my living room. And as far as food goals: BETTER BREAKFASTS and MORE VEGGIES. I am horrible with waking up early and usually end up grabbing a bagel or something to eat in the car, I really need to work on that. And I would also like to find more veggies that I enjoy eating–I tend to favor fruits.

What are some of your goals of the year?

In other news:

I got my hair cut, thank goodness–the grown out bob was getting messy!

This series is majorly addicting:

As are these babies:

My protein joy arrived in the mail on Friday:

I still need some more ideas of how to use this other than smoothies and as a spread on waffles. Do you use Sunwarrior?

Also, this weather has been amazing, but I am scared that we are going to pay for it later! Garrett and I went on a nice walk/hike yesterday. Only had on a sweatshirt and capris–crazy!!

Well I am off to relax and finish backing up my Mac on my time machine! My mom got me this:

I’m still scared to delete old files off my computer though! Have you ever used an external hard drive? Am I safe to delete old pictures and what not?

PS: Loving the Essie color “Lady Like” 🙂


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